Little girls, Little girls every where I look there are lots of stylish things for little girls but what about the stylish little boys??
When I found out I was having a daughter about two and a half years ago I started looking for beautiful little things for little girls. It was so easy to find stylish little things for little girls in fact I had to stop myself going over the top and buying every little gorgeous thing I found for my daughter.
Six months ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Henry and again I started looking, looking, looking and looking for stylish little things for boys but found it extremely hard to find lovely little things for boys. I have spoken to many Mothers of little boys and the story is always the same beautiful little things for girls but what about the boys. So this blog is about some of the stylish little things for boys that I have found!!
My handsome little man Henry
I am not big into baby things for babies. I like to style the baby's room with things that will grow with them as they grow. I styled my daughter's room with an owl theme and with pink, red and white stripe linen and lamp which she still uses now and she is two. I believe this will last her until she is around about four years old and she will probably move from her toddler bed to a big bed as my son will then use the toddler bed. Any ways enough about my daughter... again what about the boys??? What about Henry??
My son theme for his room was London Theme using red, white and navy. So I asked myself when I think of London and the UK what do I think of??? Of course I think of the Queen's soldiers outside Buckingham Palace, red double decker buses, red phone booths and red mail boxes!!!
Pick this beauty up at the reject shop!!! Love that place!
So I set about to find some beautiful stylish things and the first thing I found to compliment the UK theme were these beautiful little soldier skittles. I just love them they are so cool and are also a game that we can play together when my son gets older!
The next thing I found is this beautiful Le Toy Van Red Double Decker London Bus complete with driver. The top and seats come out making it a wonderful toy to play with. In fact my daughter loves it. I know I know what about the boy?
You purchase these beautiful little wood toy soldier skittles and the London double decker bus at the Peanut Gallery.
To continue the red, white and navy theme in Henry's room I purchased a wall decal which has his name and a beautiful little aeroplane pulling his name and cute little birds on of which I placed on the wall just above the picture of a sleeping Henry. This really has nothing to do with the London theme but it was just so cute I couldn't resist!! I also purchased two prints one seen in the above picture of little soldiers and a red bus and framed them myself.

The London sign I picked up at the Reject Shop along with a red telephone booth for Henry's books. Since the Olympics were on last year there is a lot of merchandise in the Reject Shop that has a London theme. The cute little red post money box I ordered in from a merchandise shop from the UK! I love online shopping!!! The toy soldier top is from Pumpkin patch and is just super cute. The black highland dog is in fact more Scottish then English but I have very strong family connections from Scotland so snuck a little Scottish in along with a 'Nessie' too.
I have to confess that I love online shopping and I guess it is the only way you can shop when you live in the middle of know where! It is the best because you can shop any where in the world and don't have to drag the kids around the shops!!! My kind of shopping!
This little treasure I found on Esty!! Amazing what you find!
This is my little Paddington Bear that I put in Henry's room. It is mine from when I was little!! Still love Paddington.
I also incorporated stars and stripes into Henry's room. I went with dark navy curtains on both window and hung across the room a red and white stripe with stars bunting. I love bunting and bought two so that I will be able to use his first birthday. I also bought a blue and white stripe cot comforter and cot pillow by Lullaby Linen with blue and white stars on the reverse side and I love that it can grows with him.
I also just had to have the Grand Olde Duke Sheet set as it was just the cutest! I bought both for my favourite little shop for little people My First Room.
So all in all there are cute things out there for the boys it just takes a little extra time to hunt them down! So good luck and let me know by commenting below if you have any hints or favourite little shops for little boys!!!